Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

His eyes twinkle

"O, tis a parlous boy,
bold, quick, ingenious, forward, capable.
He is all the mother's, from the top to toe"

When we went to Albuquerque in May 2005, right after Nathan turned 1, we met up with some friends of mine from my job there, at Lumber, Inc. One of my dear friends said, "yup, he's all Mike, but he has that same twinkle in his eyes that you do". I loved that comment, and I've held it close to my heart.


Fun at the zoo

"For a mother the project of raising a boy is the most
fulfilling project she can hope for"

This is one of my favorite pictures of Nathan


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Ode to my mixer

"There are many tools of the domestic goddess trade..
some I like, some I hate, some I love...
but NONE are as beloved as my Kichen-Aid.

You came, many months ago by mail
and I just knew you'd make my life easier
I don't think I properly appreciated how much
but I used you every time without fail.

Today I used you to make my family's favorite dish
You mixed up the dough that I used to do by hand
Before the oven was even hot, I had a cherry pie ready to pop in
that was sure to be DE-LISH.

Gone are the days of getting my hands all sticky
With you by my side, we can make pie crusts lickety-splickety!

Thank you Kitchen aid, for making my life such a breeze..
I may spend the days making pie crusts to freeze!"

Erica Holtry 11/09/2008

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Days turn into night when you're stuck in still life...

"Sure feels good for some time to be still..."

At long last, I got my seating area done in the front of my house. I've already spent some quiet days reading and drinking hot tea in my comfy chairs.



No, those are not weeds...My hollyhocks grew up ENORMOUS this year!



About Me

My photo
I'm a full-time housewife devoted to my family, my friends and my country. I love country music, baking, sweet tea, long skirts, running through the sprinklers and blue jeans. I go everywhere bare foot, wear flowers in my hair and say "y'all". My husband, Mike, is a wheelchair/home medical equipment technician. We have been married for 9 years and have one son with one more on the way. Our son, Nathan Michael, is 7 years old and is just finishing 1st grade. He likes dirt, wrestling, the lake, legos, dinosaurs, building, cars, dogs, Transformers trucks and trains. He is sweet, kind, affectionate, loving, smart, funny, rowdy and of course, adorable. Our doggie is a 4 year old pup named Shelby. She is a Basset Hound/German Shepard cross. It's okay to giggle. She IS very silly looking. Just when we thought life with a Basset/Shepard mix couldn't get any more amazing, we found *another* mix. EmmyLou is 2 years old and is finally growing out of her puppy phase. She's a great mix of Basset/Shepard but she also has a little Rot thrown in. She's much more energetic than our 9-nap-a-day Shelby! I respect our President, but I no longer support him.