Tuesday, May 19, 2009

There's no dollar sign on a peace of mind

Be content with what you have, rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.

Well things sure are crazy these days in the Holtry house! Nathan is finishing up pre-school and is looking forward to Kindergarten in the fall. We had a meet and greet with Mrs. Cookus, his K teacher at Seward Elementary. We are, of course, very excited and happy for him. We're really thrilled with the school so far.

Hubby's job is going well but he is working a lot of hours. He's also been doing a lot of work around the house and the yard, getting ready for summer.

I've been doing a lot of writing and have been cleaning Dad's house. I've also been tackling various projects around the house, myself.

We continue to undergo fertility treatments that take a lot of energy, time and money. That's why we haven't been posting much lately. I don't have a lot of oomph left after the 1201 trips to the dr's office each month.

Sadly, we had to give Penny up for pet adoption. We could NOT teach that dog to go potty only outside. We're back down to just having Shelby now and I have to say that having Penny around sure made us appreciate what a good dog our Shelbs is.

All is well, really. Life is quiet and peaceful and very dull, just the way we like it!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My greatest joy

I like to walk with Papa, His steps are short like mine. He doesn't say "Now Hurry Up," He always takes his time.

Nathan and I wanted to take some silly pictures to send to cheer Papa up, since he was missing us. Enjoy our goofy faces!



Monday, February 2, 2009

A heartbeat at my feet

"Dogs laugh, but they laugh with their tails"

I do hope everyone had a wonderful January! Things have been, as usual, quite crazy in the Holtry household. It is with GREAT pleasure, I introduce the newest member of our family...Penny "Queen Penelope" Holtry. She's a lost doggie that we can't find the owners for, so we're keeping her. She had her first vet visit today and Doc Stava says she's in good health.




About Me

My photo
I'm a full-time housewife devoted to my family, my friends and my country. I love country music, baking, sweet tea, long skirts, running through the sprinklers and blue jeans. I go everywhere bare foot, wear flowers in my hair and say "y'all". My husband, Mike, is a wheelchair/home medical equipment technician. We have been married for 9 years and have one son with one more on the way. Our son, Nathan Michael, is 7 years old and is just finishing 1st grade. He likes dirt, wrestling, the lake, legos, dinosaurs, building, cars, dogs, Transformers trucks and trains. He is sweet, kind, affectionate, loving, smart, funny, rowdy and of course, adorable. Our doggie is a 4 year old pup named Shelby. She is a Basset Hound/German Shepard cross. It's okay to giggle. She IS very silly looking. Just when we thought life with a Basset/Shepard mix couldn't get any more amazing, we found *another* mix. EmmyLou is 2 years old and is finally growing out of her puppy phase. She's a great mix of Basset/Shepard but she also has a little Rot thrown in. She's much more energetic than our 9-nap-a-day Shelby! I respect our President, but I no longer support him.